Sports at school
Sports at school Pros and Cons, Advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
For many children only sporting activity
An unnecessary subject because only talent and not knowledge is graded.
Learning to work in a team
Bullying because you are too unathletic
risk of injury
Learn discipline
Physical education, especially for non-athletic students, leads to liking sports even less.
...Children with weaknesses in theoretical subjects show strengths in sports
Often no shower facilities
Getting to know new sports activities
Physical education classes in the heat can lead to circulation problems.
Improves the performance of the brain
Children who play sports in their free time do not need the physical education lessons at school
No attention is paid to individual support, but that is a general school problem. Everyone is lumped together.
Sports activities may be taken over in free time
While Corona higher risk of infection
Physical balance
Some students are discriminated against because they are not as good at sports
Promotion of muscle development
I do not like my sports teacher
...You get moving when you're just sitting around at school and at home.
boys are often preferred
the team spirit rises
We do not wear a mask
As the concentration is often gone to be able to exhaust oneself and then to concentrate again on the other subjects.
You can get hurt
School sports are relaxing and healthy, you can learn new sports and talk with other classmates with whom you do not communicate so often.
Racing is not my thing
...Grades in the subject lead to motivation to do more sports themselves.
who has fear from a ball is sport the horror
Work out
it is time consuming
Is stupid we dance only while other classes play soccer
no extra effort compared to club sports
Discrimination in teams
...Movement promotes learning because new cells are created.
Can be sexually groped by the teacher
you make friends
i am against school sports veil the sports is getting hurt and the sports classes are not that varied you can only play one or two sports
Immune systems strengthened
Poor equipment of sports materials
It is very necessary because we sit too much still. After physical education we are also more efficient and we can concentrate better.
It is exhausting to do sports
...Improve the grade
relax after school
Girls are preferred and not graded so strictly
More momentum for the other subjects
It is too exhausting
It is very important for our health
Social anxiety is really bad in gym class
...It is healthy for our brain and body
The other subjects are neglected (because you can't cut any other subject).
Team play promotes class cohesion
The sports lesson is too short.
It is important
Embarrassment in front of other (especially with the whole class)
it is useful to find friends
Risk of injury increases
...For some the only sport or exercise
teachers often do not do sports but go out with the students e.g. for dinner
It is relaxing and it is fun to play a team game
Girls are preferred
It is relaxing for me because I can forget my problems and stress.
You can get sore muscles and you can sometimes hurt yourself there
You get to know your limits better, and learn a better self-assessment
Discrimination against unathletic children.
...You can have a lot of fun when you do sports
Distraction by devices
Although we are tired after sports, it makes us happier and more resilient
Clearly no! I would find it very uncomfortable to take the sports bag every day...
Distraction from everyday life
sometimes we do not do the warm up properly
The brain is supplied with more blood and this increases the performance of the body, but also of the mind, because you can concentrate much better.
am too lazy
...Free period
Kostet nerven
The main thing is less teaching
Is a waste of time (we have extra 7th,8th) and since when does the school care about our health
You can work out in sports and meet up with friends, plus sports give you a distraction from other subjects like math.
Lack of teacher expertise
Improves mental health. Sport releases natural hormones of well-being and helps to keep away mental illnesses.
They look at your body
...Variety in the school day
Being under pressure.
That one is awakened
unnecessary waste of time
team spirit
Sweat outbreaks and disgusting stench
Really cool
Extra clothes have to be bought and taken to school
...The pro entries I find good because they correspond to the truth and sport is always good for you as for the brain or for the body.
May lead to physical problems and or eating disorders
Doing sports reduces stress
Sports can cause physical discomfort
Sport is fun and you get distracted from everyday life
Some sports are boring
Without sports the movement is missing
Male beings vultures always
...physical education is important
The cost of showers should also not be overlooked
Physical condition
no appetite
better strengthened self-esteem
it is unpleasant when people are sitting in the classroom in a rude mood
You get to know different sports
Sweaty after class because no shower possibility
...Physical activity makes students energetic and strong.
Pain (e.g.: sore muscles, cramps)
You have a lot of fun doing something good for your body
Muscle building for pass types
it does a lot of good and you become stronger
You have to make an effort
I think sports are good at school because you can train well. I enjoy it very much.
Put on same sports clothes from previous day because of too high electricity cost to wash and dry takes about 2-3 days
...better cerebral circulation