Cell phones at school
Cell phones at school Pros and Cons, Advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
research faster
little concentration
Employment during the break
Learning to use cell phones and the Internet
Teachers should rather settle disputes and be trustworthy contact persons instead of only looking at cell phones and chewing gum.
The cell phone is addictive
quick accessibility in case of emergencies
With a strict ban on bringing cell phones, students are required to talk. Communication skills are strengthened.
...new way of learning
Classes are disrupted by cell phone ringing
In elementary school you should not be allowed to use smartphones. But the 5th grade it is legitimate, belongs to society.
Disadvantages students without smartphone
You can film when students fight
Photos or Videos of others can be taken and published
More fun in learning Say; better results, participation in the oral area increases
Cheat Sheets
...You are busy and think less about nonsense
Concentration decreases
Digital appointment calendar( reminder via cell phone possible)
you become more antisocial
break time is used
Smartphones are a status symbol (groups)
less burden for teachers because they do not have to constantly watch that no one has his cell phone outside
...you can call pizza delivery people
Students no longer move and would not be able to learn as well
You can meet new people and exchange the number easier
You should invest more time in your education instead of being preoccupied with your smartphone and prevent a possible addiction.
save time with foreign languages -- translation app
Students can be distracted from their mobile phone and they don´t communicate with her classmatesfriends
if there is an emergency and there are no teachers around, you can get help faster
Teachers can also be bullied
...You can quickly research words you don't know, so you don't have to ask the teacher all the time
Viruses could destroy mobile school system through the single device
One has a better overview of the learning material
teachers have no means of control
More fun in the classroom with advanced learning program types like Kahoot
Kids can just take pictures of you and post them on the internet
One would use in the endeffekt anyway, that cell phone despite prohibition, because the teachers cannot control everywhere at the same time whether this rule is kept.
...knowledge about everything (books limited information)
Photos and videos can be taken by teachers and students members and posted on the Internet. This can result in a serious criminal offense.
Listen to music (e.g. art while drawing more inspiration)
You can make great tik toks with your best friend
is used for many negative things
Students can contact her friends from other schools or their parents
The social status depends on
...The smartphone helps when it gets boring during the break
Camera use poses problems
You can make memes of people
You get lazy because all the answers are on the internet and you don't have to think big anymore
If something is searched or if you do not know something you can use the smartphone
Noten werden schlecht, da die Schüler zu unkonzentriert sind
If it rains at recess and the students Nerfen , they can turn on the phone and headphones in!
...Banning them only makes the phones more appealing.
no violence videos will be played and shown to friends
motivation increases
Addictive and distracting
Cell phones can be used instead of calculators or dictionaries, which would save students money
Disturbing noises
I think I speak for everyone when I say that if students were allowed to use their cell phones more often it would give them a better kick to learn.
...You can research well on the internet and if you do not get along with air pods in class watch youtube videos on the subject. (Has helped me:) )
During breaks, everyone only looks at their cell phones - Insta, Tiktok... and the communication decreases
You learn how to use the cell phone
Teachers have no control over the consumption of the devices and thus the students during the breaks
Cell phone ban of one week also punishes the parents that financed the cell phone
you can say it's the future, cell phones are our future, but that's what we want to change, we don't need to be on our cell phones 12 hours a day!!!!
Easy accessibility of parents in case of emergency, without having to ask the teacher
Listening to music in class
...Much better than without cell phone because of more motivation
you forget to look something up in an atlas or dictionary for example
mehr Begeisterung im Unterricht
Because of the constant typing you forget how to write
You can take photos of teachers to create whatsapp sticker
Creativity through apps
Kontrollmöglichkeiten der Lehrkraft fehlen.
...I think you can use the cell phone for teaching, but at your own risk.
Using a cell phone at school is really stupid and it can also lead to children or teenagers becoming addicted to it.
you can lock people's phones by entering the wrong password, so they can no longer access the phone
Learners are tempted to cheat and information from the Internet can easily be obtained during exams
media competence is learned
One's own mental work is replaced. One's own intellectual work is no longer required. The smartphone provides the answers.
Helps against boredom when the teacher talks
Cell phone addiction
...The use of cell phones means that files can be used instead of books, which means that bags are lighter.
No variety of lessons
Students can prepare for digitization in the future
You lose the thread if you only look at your cell phone.
Contact can also be through social media, not just present.
One is too long from the screen
Knowledge quickly retrievable
British researchers found that 16-year-olds without smartphones improved by an average of 6.41%.
...more interest in teaching, no back damage due to less weight and more time for teaching
teachers cannot prove what is being done
you can help yourself with explanatory videos
Face-to-face communication is reduced
Dealing with Bowser
Different operating systems make it difficult to work quickly on the lesson topics.
Use of online dictionaries
Concentration & attention suffers
...Always on Pornhub during lessons
Bans make cell phones even more appealing. If smartphones are banned in class, they become even more appealing to students. Secret use.
Important information can be passed on quickly
Are annoying
you should leave your cell phone at home or in your pocket because it can cause disturbances or distractions.
research on the internet
Everyone would be looking at their cell phones during breaks and no one would be talking
...You can watch learning videos and that actually helps.
No time to talk with friends or family.
Employment during the break(you can call pizza delivery menjoke)
Passing the time during the breaks
Proof of performance not possible :)
in scandinavian countries this also works with the technical devices, and as is well known, they have the best school system
Searches cannot be performed
...You can also use your phone for useful things (e.g. for research to acquire new knowledge). Not only for social media, games, etc.