Works Council
Works Council pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
Negotiating partner
Actual work comes up short for works council members
Helps with terminations
Decisions of the employer can be blocked by the works council
Takes care of the problems of the employees
Company management is a profession for which expert knowledge, aptitude and inclination are necessary. The road to this position is usually long and rocky. What qualifies the works council?
A works council member has special protection against dismissal
Actual work of works council members comes up short
Employee opinion is represented
inefficient for small business
...better working atmosphere
The well-being of the entire company, including its continued existence, is placed behind the possibly short-term interests of the employees.
Link between employee and employer
The boss does not want a works council
Responds to and represents the interests of employees
Works councils represent a locational disadvantage in international comparison.
First-hand opinions make practical solutions possible
The personal relationship between the employer and its employees suffers as a result of the works council.
...Free time for the exercise of their works council activities
Requests take a detour via the works council instead of being made directly to the employer.
May have a say in new hires.
As a member of the works council, you enjoy a bad reputation with your superiors.
Works councils are necessary
Works councils are a pain
democratic union to allow employees and employers to work in harmony.
a works council causes high costs for the company, because the meetings take place during working hours
...Conflicts between labor and capital can be resolved
Excessive benefits for members of the works council, e.g. protection against dismissal
Works councils are good because you can have a say in the process
Decisions cannot be fair to everyone
It helps people
Works councils disrupt operations with numerous regulations
Looks after labor and environmental protection
Competition among employees in the event that several run for limited positions - bad climate
...Checks whether rules and laws for the protection of employees are observed
We have flat hierarchies here - we don't need a works council.
You can stand up for others.
A works council is useless anyway.
Contributes to conflict resolution
If we elect a works council, the company will be closed.
Employees are specially protected
The works council could only represent its own interests but not those of the employees
...Many advantages
The contact with the boss is good - everyone can come directly to her with their concerns
Advanced training is fun
The works council costs the company too much money
You get insights into the company decisions
Our works council is actually an employer representative.
Companies with works councils are more productive
Verdi forces works council election to be face-to-face for 500 people during Corona pandemic, putting people's health at risk
...The works council ensures employees rights
The election to the works council is too complicated and burdensome
Co-determination in all Corona pandemic measures (hygiene measures , short-time work)
We have a round table where problems are addressed
Simplifies life
Minorities are not represented. According to §15 BetrVG, the composition should consist of different departments and gender, which is not always possible
Employees are happier when there is a works council in their company
...Motivation promotion
Creates diversity in the workforce
Is good