UNO - United Nations
UNO Pros and Cons, Advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
Blockade through veto rights
Weaker states are supported by aid programs
States can exploit humanitarian interventions for their own political interests (Iraq- George Bush)
Forum for international cooperation
lengthy decision-making processes
Brings countries together.
Lack of financial resources.
Close cooperation with other powerful organizations
Power unequally distributed in Security Council (Europe overrepresented)
...The balance sheet of UN peace missions (especially since the turn of the century) is quite positive.
Confusion with cards game UNO
R2P protects against further human rights violations
Inability to act, because of dependence on the decisions of the Security Council
symbolic function by symbolizing a world community
National interests very different
independent peacekeeping organization
The blue helmet soldiers have a limited mandate. They cannot actively intervene in battles. In the Srebrenica massacre, they could only watch.
...Without the UN, things would have been much worse in recent years.
May trigger further interventions; thus violates own UN principles
Military force
Funny name
Is for the control of globalization and internationalism a relevant basis for a worldwide regulating, democratically based political order
reliant on NATO and EU support
Ensure world peace
Contrast in the UN Charter: Peace requirement vs. sovereignty principle
...You respect human rights
Complex system that is difficult to coordinate
A contribution to world peace like League of Nations
trump ideas are not implemented
Attempt to prevent the 3rd world war
Non-permanent members are elected every 2 years. They therefore have little time to familiarize themselves and little right of co-determination.
Successes: decolonization, eradication of diseases, reduction of child mortality, educational support, combating natural disasters, and much more.
The UN is dependent on member states in that military assets can only be provided by them
...Fighting for social justice
Political ideological oppositions in the Security Council (Russia-Communism, USA-Democracy)
are nice
lack of equipment for UN troops
Sub-organizations such as UNICEF (children), WHO (health; UNHCR (refugee aid) or WFP (world food) are indispensable
huge money guzzler
Minorities are oppressed!
Due to the many different member states, difficult to find a consensus
...Blockade through veto power protects against conflict.
R2P controversial
Die UNO ist nicht perfekt, aber alternativlos! - Fredy Gsteiger
Europe is overrepresented -> Disadvantage of 3rd world countries
was already able to prevent some conflicts (defused Cuban Missile Crisis & Middle East Crisis)
In need of reform, as Security Council is anachronistic and represents post-World War II power constellation
each state one vote in the general assembly
High fuel costs at the meeting of the countries
...Die Signalwirkung von empfehlenden Beschlüssen in der Generalversammlung hat trotzdem politisches Gewicht (129 Staaten)
Do not have own troops
Since 1945, there have been more than 60 UN peacekeeping operations.
By failing to adapt to geopolitical realities, the Security Council risks losing authority and legitimacy.
Keeping the peace: Germany has never had such a long period of peace
The UN does not advertise beer
Secretary General recognized worldwide as a neutral mediator
Complex system that is difficult to coordinate; excess bureaucracy
...Trump is gone
Only the Security Council can formulate binding resolutions
Stabilizes the global order
There have already been over 3000 dead forces.
International Court of Justice as a neutral mediator of states
The distribution of power is old-fashioned = still the victorious powers of WW2 as veto powers
Pandemics like corona (who)
Is not a decision-making body, but acts only as an advisory body and accordingly has little power.
...Indispensable place for diplomacy and peacekeeping
Minorities are oppressed
Solutions to the many problems facing humanity are being solved faster
Rape yes exactly at blue helmet heads
Helping in developing countries e.g. with school education
The UN does not exist on the moon
I think it's good.
USA, China and Russia had too much power
...the uno is simply important
Funding problem
Countries stay in contact
Consensus in the Security Council is difficult to achieve because of the veto powers and different views and cultures of the countries.
Influential countries have a great influence on the economy
strong ties to the USA...thus no free association possible
Tackling global problems
think are very strong, leads to the collapse of the organization
...Communication between countries
They can have a strong impact on the economy, e.g. import and export bans for certain goods.
Prevention of wars
States can exploit humanitarian interventions for their own political interests, as George W. Bush did in the Iraq war. They can be used as a pretext for war
Successful peace missions: Sierra Leone and East Timar
Kulturelle Unterschiede sorgen für Interessensunterschiede unter den 193 Mitgliedsstaaten.
What are the advantages of the veto right?
...Democratic, as all nations can feel heard
The equipment is poor
have already prevented wars in the past
have to deal with it
do not know what they want
little existing competence
Versuchen den Lebensstandard für Menschen zu bessern
Switzerland does not lead the EU
...Erhaltung und Durchsetzung von Grundrechten, Gleichberechtigung, Gerechtigkeit
Putin plays (with the) UN
Collective security for all member states
Mr. Petersohn already said that the UN has failed in Darfur and Sudan. Through its peace missions nothing has happened(Cf. Petersohn's postulate 5) P.W
Stands up for world peace
Helpless appeals that do not reach the entire world, because not all states are represented in the UN.
Peace operations and UN aid organizations are significantly improving the situation in conflict regions.\nBest regards !\nMr. Weitz
Blue helmet troops come home distraught and traumatized. I had to watch my father come back from there and take an overdose....
...Influential countries have great influence on economy, law, etc.
Other countries feel unfairly treated, no chance to have influence, only the own interests of the veto powers are represented.
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Freiwillige Entscheidung, ob man Mitglied sein möchte, Länder können dies zum eigenen Vorteil ausnutzen und jederzeit austreten wenn sie ihnen nichts mehr nützt
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Disproportionate number of resolutions against Israel, none against Islamic dictatorships
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Veto = dictatorship
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WBU is critical