Second hand clothes
Second hand clothes Pros and Cons, Advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
Clothing mostly out of fashion
Saves resources through reuse
has already worn someone else
You should wear what you like, not what is currently in fashion.
Often poor quality because worn a lot
You get money for old clothes
Second hand promotes the throwaway mentality
Second hand works against the throwaway society. You don't constantly buy new things but exchange your old ones for new/old clothes.
most find unhygienic
...Children grow out so quickly, it's great
You can not try it on. At some second hand online stores (e.g. Kleiderkreisel) you can't return it if it doesn't fit.
often very good quality because little worn
Hippie style
highly recommended especially for children
Chemistry in the clothes is harmful
Secondhand clothing is already washed and therefore usually contains fewer dyes and harmful substances.
The structure of the fabrics are no longer as robust as new goods
...There is less packaging waste
geringere Auswahl
Transport routes from China, India or Bangladesh are saved.
Too few offers for this
The own style is further pronounced by buying unique pieces that one particularly likes
Sizes are partially no longer correct due to too hot washing or dryer
Promoting individuality and not imitating fashion and looking the same as everyone else.
Children's tights that lose elasticity can lead to nasty strangulation of the little legs.
...Avoidance of fast fashion
Man muss lange nach Gegenständen suchen.
also brands or handmade garments can then be purchased at lower prices
the children are bullied by wearing such clothes
Appreciation of the found "treasures" is much greater
Especially in the case of underwear, shoes, etc., many find it unhygienic and accordingly feel uncomfortable in the garments.
you don't always have to throw everything away right away
Often cut
...Children learn to sell something first to be able to buy something new.
There are not so many second hand stores yet.
Environmentally friendly
It smells strong, but it is only a snapshot because you will wash it at home.
You can buy branded clothing without supporting the corrupt, non-ethical production of the clothing.
Local jobs and production sites in developing and emerging countries are lost
The product life cycle is continued and therefore there is less waste
Ethnically different clothing styles are lost
...You can donate your old clothes for poor people
Due to globalization, there is a uniformity of clothing styles and an impoverishment of diversity
It stinks
One sets among other things a sign against Fast Fashion
Maybe they are stolen things
It is better for the environment.
Are worthless
...At SecondPlus there are the best pieces and largest selection.
You never know what has already happened to the clothes
hippie style is good
There are often many people who just throw garbage into the containers
Secondhand reduces your carbon footprint
cheap but good
...You make people happy who can not really afford anything
I think it is a good idea
Babies quickly outgrow their clothes.
The secondhand clothes are in mint, well-kept and inexpensive condition. The quality does not differ from branded clothing.
...No long transport routes from e.g. China
I find second hand good