School dress codes
School dress codes pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
No distraction from classroom activities due to clothing that is too skimpy
Interference with fundamental rights
Racist and sexist clothing can be banned
Let everyone decide for himself what he wears
You can not walk around like a clown
Everyone has a right to the free development of his personality
You can then concentrate better on the lessons
Children should be able to develop their own style of dress during their school years
Order in schools
Competitive situation shifts to other levels, e.g. regarding electronics, jewelry, etc.
...Preparation for later professional life
It is your own body and therefore you have to decide what you wear.
you should dress appropriately for school, in later professional life you can also not wear what you want. In the free time it is left to one
quite sexist, women are restricted more than boys, unnecessary sexualization of young people, restriction of freedom
You have a safer feeling at school
Matter that is none of the school's business
It's pretty out of line to show up to school in sweatpants like you're lounging on the couch instead of being in a public place
The practice of some religions would be more difficult.
...It is also a question of respect for e.g. teachers to take off caps or hats in class.
free the nipples
From a certain cut it is uncomfortable for many other people
if I have to be at school for 9 hours a day, I should feel comfortable in my clothes and be allowed to wear what I like.
For safety reasons, flip flops are not allowed in many schools, which is quite justified
Waste of time
You don't feel like you're being watched by guys and there are no comments.
Most dress codes refer only to girls
...Less sexism
Girls should be able to decide for themselves how much skin they want to show.
Interpretation of the style of dress
Dress codes without consultation with a student council do not ensure acceptance of the order.
Prejudices are not reinforced
One's character is expressed through one's clothing.
No sexual harassment of teachers
It is discrimination when the girls have more restrictions than the boys
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You can not be yourself and show how you feel comfortable. There is such a thing as FREEDOM OF OPINION!
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Why are teachers allowed to wear what they want but students are not?
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The guys should just close their eyes
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Freedom of expression
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no real reasoning for why you shouldn't show your knees or belly?
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Since it may be that short clothing is prohibited you can not see the buttocks so well
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The fundamental right of students is restricted
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It takes away a piece of your freedom.
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Who decides what is wrong?
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we just all look good
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A public place and everyone can wear what they want and decide for themselves
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No distraction from classroom activities due to clothing that is too skimpy
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Wear what you want free for all no uniform
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Dress code sucks
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Everyone has the right to dress the way you want
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If "the guys" seem distracted by this, I don't care because it's my choice what I wear. They should pull themselves together
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There is no uniform or dress code that pleases EVERYONE.
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You hardly have any personal things with you
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Article 2, right to the development of personality