Police pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
Secure and good income
Shift work
State power
Partnership often difficult
Fast training
less and less respect
Depending on the service a very cozy job
Bad image among many people
...Free medical care
High risk of injury
no independent work, i.e. only execute commands
Workplace not selectable
Working on holidays, weekends and other important days
You support a system that you do not always find fair.
You help people
Unhappy because you can not act independently
One is a contact person for the people and thus a role model for many people.
Physical exertion due to long operating times
One is a symbol of safety
You risk your life
...very cool
The work life balance is (mostly) messed up...Only at field offices like criminal police, etc.
Sports during working hours, is welcome.
great occupational hazard
Practical studies
Semester abroad not possible
Diverse career (criminal service, field service,...)
Confrontation with hate
...Opportunities for further development (both professional and personal)
Working hours also on weekends or holidays
Job security (independent of the market)
underestimated, high level of office work
Never boring
high stress and load
Good opportunities for further education and training
not performance-related pay, but mostly regulated promotion
...proper handling of weapons is trained private gun ownership (hobby shooter) easier
Some policemen are racist
varied daily routine
eventuell die Waffe gegen jemanden benutzen zu müssen
Wage right at the training
Some policemen and policewomen don't do anything against abusive parents.
Working for the common good
- skelet
...Friends & Team
- skelet
many allowances
- skelet
Vehicle with blue light and horn
- skelet