Globalization pros cons list - Overview of the advantages and disadvantages
Wide range of Products
Poorer countries are exploited for cheap production
Global cooperation in research and development
Higher environmental impact and pollution
Support in crises
unfair distribution
Creating new jobs in economically weak countries
Kulturelle Individualität geht verloren
Fast global trade
Small businesses cannot keep up with the dumping prices
...Fast and inexpensive communication worldwide
Crises can spread globally
Easy traveling
Cheaper prices
New markets for companies
Entstehung von Multikonzernen
Worldwide mobility
Focus on profit maximization
...A sense of belonging by overcoming cultural barriers
Global warming
Lower prices for consumers and companies
Danger of terrorism
Monopoly position of individual companies in a region prevented by competition
Rapid spread of diseases
Strawberries are available all year round
...Many more opportunities to support other countries
Environmental pollution
International cooperation possible
new markets for companies.
It is exaggerated e.g.: strawberries are available all year round -> much higher environmental pollution
Watermelon in winter
...You can travel faster and cheaper to anywhere in the world
Food is sent all over the world so that people can enjoy summer fruit even in winter
More effective results through communication exchange e.g. healthcare
Used incorrectly
Cultures grow together
Higher consumption through more offers.
Rising standard of living
Increased competition
...Small villages are being modernized
Immigration is much easier
Assets can be relocated to where they are most profitable.
Animals are displaced
Commercialization of culture
...The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer
Globalization promotes anti-democratic systems as they statistically show higher economic growth
Arten können aussterben
Start-ups find it more difficult to assert themselves nationally and internationally.
...fewer jobs in certain cities