Electric car
Electric car pros cons list - Overview of the advantages and disadvantages
The electric car reduces air pollution
Low range of cars with purely electric drive systems
An electric car powered by green electricity is unbeatably environmentally friendly
Lack of access to a charging facility
In combination with a solar system, for example, electric cars offer real independence
no sound
Electric cars can be charged at any socket
far too expensive
When the oil runs out, there is no way around electric cars
Although it has hardly any pollutant emissions, the fine dust pollution from the brake discs accounts for around 70% of emissions and is just as high in electric cars
...no Co2 emissions
The overall CO2 balance must be improved. There is still a great need for optimization here, especially in the production and recycling of batteries.
Electric cars hardly need any maintenance
ugly design
High energy efficiency
The battery is very expensive
You can charge in 30 minutes at fast charging stations
The production of electricity pollutes the world
...no gasoline
has no sound like my s63 AMG
Long charging time
The e-car in combination with car-sharing, i.e. shared use of the e-car, is the future.
Strictly speaking, electric cars must be significantly cheaper to buy and run in the future than they are at present. The fact is, however, that this will not happen.
If you have electricity from an alternative source then an electric car is useful.
High CO2 consumption in the manufacture of the vehicle
...Far too much drinking water is used in the production of car batteries. This means there is less for people to drink
They pollute everything in exactly the same way because the batteries are nd better in production
Too quiet
Can't play that long on the PS5 in the Tesla
...Electric cars are not more efficient - the losses are merely shifted to electricity generation.
Never leave an electric car with an empty battery for days on end. Fully charged batteries will discharge themselves over weeks or months. At temperatures below -10°C or
Far too expensive
Miss the smell of gasoline