Computers in the kindergarden
Computers in the kindergarden pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages in overview. Pros and Cons List
Children should be familiarized with new media at an early age
In kindergarden much too early
Nowadays, there are hardly any professions that can do without computers.
The children should not grow up with PC and cell phone from an early age !!!
Children like to learn with videos, for example, children's songs, fairy tales and foreign languages.
May have a negative impact on children's social skills.
When the computer is used educationally it is good
Weakens children's eyes much too early
How should the children learn it if the parents can not handle it
Harmful to health
...The children have the opportunity to get acquainted with age-appropriate, pedagogically meaningful programs.
Children lose reality through computer games
Spur self-evident
One should keep the kindergarden period completely free of digital technologies
Children can handle learning programs well
A study in the U.S. found that hyperactivity increased by 28% in children who were exposed to computers too early.
Children become more competent and critical of the media when they learn to use computers and the Internet at an earlier age.
Children become disturbed
...Children learn to take responsibility by using tablet and computer well
children have no experience yet and do not know how to handle it
Children with 3 years are already constructive and productive
Consequences such as lack of concentration and sleep disorders
Media handling
Children learn language through human interaction rather than via a computer, tablet, etc..
Incentive for children to engage with media
pedagogically not valuable
...Children learn from the early age to go with computer phones
It may cause damage to health such as impairment of eyesight
Super for the brain
It can lead to cell phone addiction at an early age
Relief of the educators (possibility of occupation of the children)
Children have higher potential for hyperactivity when introduced to media at an early age
media handling
In kindergarden children should learn to deal with children their age and build interpersonal relationships
...Children are encouraged to communicate and cooperate
Kids get sassy and have no appreciation for things that really matter!
Kinder können Sprache verbessern
Children have concentration problems at primary school age
Promotes fine motor skills when typing on small keyboard
Kids are on their cell phones too much these days anyway, so why should they be exposed to it at such an early age?
Dealing with rules
Your children could break computers for example by dropping them, this would cost a lot of money as the computer would have to be repaired.
...Equal opportunities for poorer families!
Children develop narcissistic traits. The laptop implements the children's commands. They transfer this to real life.
It could prevent the risk of addiction by making it freely available to children
The time spent in kindergarden should be used to support the children in the area of reading and language development, which is not possible with the use of computers.
So my sister goes to kindergarden and they don't have computers and she still has media access at home. So you do not need a computer
Children at that age should not hang like game addicts in front of the screen! And this generation should pay the pension???
...Does this question need to be answered (seriously)???
The children are underutilized
Kindergarden time is very monotonous
Children lose their creativity and imagination!
...Children should not be introduced to computers until a little later. Because the earlier you start the faster it can become addictive
Children can suffer depression