Child beauty pageant
Child beauty pageant pros cons list - Overview of the advantages and disadvantages
gain self-confidence/self-awareness
Completely stupid parents who raise their children to be beauty queens
money earned can be saved for a good education/future
Enormous pressure
The children get to know other children and are not always in front of the PC or playing unnecessary games such as knowledge games
People lie to you that beauty is everything
Anyone can be a princess, even ugly ones
Children are sexualized
Children are rightly forced to be beautiful so that these ugly mincers gain in beauty . alo everything is more than justified
Society is brought up from an early age to be superficial - it's completely different things that count.
...Children learn to deal with success and defeat
Children have no right of co-decision
I think it's good
Compulsion of the parents
Competitive experience
Young children in particular are not yet able to decide for themselves whether they actually want to do this.
Can't live out their childhood.
...Children should live out their dreams and learn at a young age to work harder than hard for their dreams.
Children are not dolls.
Idiots evolve
People who don't feel beautiful shouldn't watch it
The whole thing is completely exhausting for the children
Earning money through my children
Parents have successes they can brag about
...Operators of the programs earn a lot of money
If a child wins several times, it often develops too much self-confidence or even arrogance.
Idols evolve
Children are simply still children and that should be taken into account.
being fat, thin, pickment disorders, diseases are normalized and beautified
Should concentrate on school
gain self-confidence, as they may not yet have it.
The child loses self-confidence and self-esteem if it always loses
...Even ugly people can take part - they don't have to win
Children could suffer health-wise, as children are still growing and trying to get thin could be harmful.
Economic factors
Children should live their childhood
New opportunities in life, after success.
The children suffer a lot because it is too exhausting for them
Participants see it as fun and a good chance to make friends and earn money.
make-up is bad for the skin
...You get money when you win
competition does not have a good effect on the psyche and development
The children are far too young, often they can't even walk on their own
Eating disorders
...It is impossible for parents to portray their children like this. They want the money and take advantage of the children.
Children who do not have a high ranking feel bad (not nice).
Children think they are better
First and foremost, they only reinforce society's entrenched ideals of beauty
...the look doesn't matter - it's all artificial anyway
Children are exploited
Children develop insecurities